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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Durbin

What to Do When Your EV Dies on the Road: A Step-by-Step Guide

Experiencing a sudden breakdown or running out of battery power in your electric vehicle (EV) can be a stressful situation. However, with the right knowledge and preparation, you can navigate this scenario smoothly. In this guide, we'll outline the steps to take when your EV dies on the road, ensuring you're back on track as quickly and safely as possible.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

  3. Activate Hazard Lights and Signal

  4. Move to a Safe Location

  5. Contact Roadside Assistance

  6. Inform Others and Stay Visible

  7. Use a Mobile Charging Solution

  8. Know Your Towing Options

  9. Inspect and Prevent Future Incidents

  10. Conclusion

  11. FAQs

    1. Is it possible to push an EV to a charging station?

    2. Can I jump-start an electric vehicle?

    3. How often should I check my EV's battery health?

    4. Are there smartphone apps to request roadside assistance for EVs?

    5. Can extreme weather conditions affect EV performance?


A sudden breakdown or battery depletion can happen to any electric vehicle owner, but the key is to stay prepared and handle the situation wisely. Let's explore the steps you should follow when your EV dies on the road.

Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

Remaining calm is crucial in any emergency situation. Take a deep breath and assess what might have caused the issue. Did you miscalculate the battery range, encounter unexpected traffic, or is there a mechanical problem?

Activate Hazard Lights and Signal

As soon as you realize your EV has come to a halt, turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers that your vehicle is not moving. If your EV allows, activate the hazard signal through the infotainment system to increase visibility.

Move to a Safe Location

If possible, steer your EV to the side of the road or a safe spot away from traffic. This will help avoid accidents and allow for a safer resolution.

Contact Roadside Assistance

Many EV manufacturers provide dedicated roadside assistance for their vehicles. Use your smartphone to call the assistance number provided by your manufacturer. They can guide you through the next steps or dispatch help to your location.

Inform Others and Stay Visible

Let your fellow passengers know about the situation and remind them to remain safely inside the vehicle. Additionally, place reflective warning signs or cones around your EV to enhance visibility, especially if you're stranded at night.

Use a Mobile Charging Solution

If you have a portable Level 1 or Level 2 charger in your EV, you might be able to charge it using a nearby power outlet. This can provide a temporary solution to get you to the nearest charging station.

Know Your Towing Options

If charging isn't an option, towing might be necessary. Be aware of local towing services that specialize in EVs, as they will have the appropriate equipment to handle electric vehicles safely.

Inspect and Prevent Future Incidents

Once your EV is back on the road, it's essential to prevent future incidents. Regularly check your EV's battery health, maintain recommended tire pressure, and familiarize yourself with the vehicle's range capabilities.


Experiencing a breakdown in your electric vehicle doesn't need to be a daunting experience. By following these steps and staying prepared, you can efficiently handle the situation and continue enjoying the benefits of your EV.


  1. Is it possible to push an EV to a charging station?

  2. Can I jump-start an electric vehicle?

  3. How often should I check my EV's battery health?

  4. Are there smartphone apps to request roadside assistance for EVs?

  5. Can extreme weather conditions affect EV performance?

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